Handballturnier an Ostern in Rovinj

  • In der Osterwoche 7.-11.04.2020 findet in Rovinj (Kroatien) wieder ein internationales Jugendhandballturnier statt. Parallel auch Jugendfußball, sowie eine spezielle Fußball- und Handball-Power-Liga (Kinder mit geistigen und motorischen Einschränkungen).
    Informationen gibt es auf folgender Facebookseite
    Für Detailinformationen einfach den Organisator dort anschreiben.

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  • Dear friend,

    I hope you and your family are good and safe in this crazy times. We got a green light for tournament in Easter !

    We are very pleased to invite your club to handball tournament in Rovinj from 13 - 16.04.2022.
    As the time is passing we see lot of demages in handball so we will not wait any more and we will continue with our project.
    Youth Movement Power is a recreational project for children from 9 to 16 years old with the following main topics:

    1.Football tournament
    2.Handball tournament
    3.American football tournament

    • Game concept: after the group stage the first two teams are in the semifinals

    • Awards: first, second and third placed teams will receive trophies and medals.

    • Awards for the best players, goalkeepers and best scorers.

    • All other information about the tournament can be found on the confirmation of participation.

    Age groups and system HANDBALL:
    born 2010/11 and younger (boys)
    born 2008/09 and younger (boys and girls )
    born 2006/07 and younger (boys and girls )
    Looking forward to hear from you soon!

    All other information you can find in official web page of the tournament https://youthmovementpower.com/

    Best regards

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